photo by Jac Martinez, 2021
Born and raised in Malibu, California and based in Los Angeles, Annabel Graham is a writer, editor, and photographer. Her work has appeared in Vanity Fair, The Wall Street Journal, Vogue, W Magazine, The Sewanee Review, Bookforum, The Paris Review Daily, The Believer, and BOMB, among others, and has been supported by the Tin House Writers’ Workshop and Disquiet International. She holds a BA in Philosophy of Art & Aesthetics and an MFA in Fiction, both from NYU, where she also taught undergraduate creative writing. For eight years, she served as fiction editor of No Tokens, a journal of literature and art. A co-founder and co-host of the acclaimed LA-based literary reading series Something Something, she is also the founding Editor in Chief of The Panafold, a new quarterly print magazine centering around the arts, architecture, design, and culture of California.